Terbaru - Indonesia Travel Guide In Jakarta 2020

Indonesia Travel Guide in Jakarta 2020

Travel For Create Business Opportunities in Jakarta - Welcome to the free market asean 2020. This situation could not be avoided, we must be able and capable to face the global competition era. At the ASEAN level Indonesia actually still be a chance to compete with other countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taipei. On the other hand, It is also a golden opportunity for those of you who can see this opportunity. With the Asean Economic Community, entrepreneurs, businessmen of foreign companies will enter into Indonesia. And they also would require the services of a guide such as Indonesia Travel Guide and Business. People from outside the country should be able to understand the Indonesian market and the opportunities that exist in the Indonesian state to be able to open his business.

Travel For Create Business Opportunities in Jakarta Terbaru -  Indonesia Travel Guide in Jakarta 2020

Business Tour Guide in jakarta 2020

Golden opportunity that I mean here is a tour guide and interpreter services Indonesian. Foreign people will use their language and of course they also have to understand Indonesian. In Jakarta there have been several such services. Such as: http://www.indonesia-travel-guide.com :

The objective of building this website is to provide complete references before or when you travel to Indonesia. One day when we planned to do some traveling in Indonesia, which is our own country, we found that it was so difficult to get the information we required as a guide to do the traveling. Based on that experience we decided to build Indonesia-Travel-Guide.com. We hope that Indonesia-Travel-Guide.com would help anybody (either you’re foreigner or Indonesian citizen) who plan to travel Indonesia, who may need information as a reference and guide to travel in Indonesia.

At the moment the information provided at Indonesia-Travel-Guide.com might be limited to certain places only. However, our objective and our commitment are to provide travel information as complete as possible. Hence, you could expect that when you come back again to Indonesia-Travel-Guide.com next time, you should see new information about traveling in Indonesia.

We wish and would be very glad if you could feel the benefit from browsing Indonesia-Travel-Guide.com. Happy reading, happy browsing, take your time, and come back again next time to see new information.

Business Opportunities and Market Share in Jakarta

Before starting a business, you can see the business opportunities that exist in Jakarta. Indonesia's capital city is the main attraction of foreign investors. They invest their business in Indonesia. Here are some of the opportunities that exist:

Small Business Sector Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) a rapidly growing area of Jakarta is estimated to reach 300% growth compared to 2006 census data by as much as 1,124,675 SMEs.

Head of Department of Trade and Cooperatives SMEs Jakarta Ratnaningsih declare the sector continues to grow along with the primary needs of the community.

For those of you who will be able to consider the option of starting a business enterprise sector is still growing in Jakarta, including:
  • Food industry businesses and cake
  • Apparel industry businesses
  • Car and motorcycle repair business (because many vehicles)
  • Industrial enterprises aji stone, agate and ring (for improving the local economy)
  • Industrial enterprises tofu (because large population)
  • Accesoris trading business cars and motorcycles (related to the number of vehicles)
  • Furniture and furniture industry businesses (many residents need homes and offices)
  • Industrial business shoes and handbags
  • Urban transport service business
You can use the services of a travel guide to surround jakarta see some locations has the potential to open a business

According to the ninth Ratnaningsih sector research effort conducted by Bank Indonesia could become a reference for SME entrepreneurs to develop their business.

With a population of Jakarta which reaches more than 9 million potential to develop SMEs. But in welcoming the Asean Economic Community in 2020, the human resources have ditutut SMEs competitiveness with other countries.
Source : Bisnis.Com

Lowongan Kerja Pemandu Wisata dan Penterjemah Bahasa Asing

Nah, bagi anda masyarakat Indonesia yang mempunyai kemampuan bahasa Asing seakan-akan Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Thailand, Bahasa China, Bahasa Jepang, Bahasa Korea dan lainnya. Bisa memanfaatkan momen ini atau anda bisa melamar kerja di Jasa yang berkaitan dengan Bisnis dan Penterjemah Bahasa ataupun Pemandu jalan bagi orang luar negeri yang akan berkunjung ke Indonesia.

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